

WCodes are readable by humans. To decode data though, a computer is still required.

This makes it possible for WCodes to be:

  • – manually entered into a computer via a keyboard.
  • – relayed to another person over voice, print or, handwritten and electronic text-messages.
  • – short and simple, compared to the original data.
    As in the example above
    Original:Digits10Nine Eight Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven
    WCode: Nouns4Cat Apple Mango Tomato
  • – memorizable;
    at least: small portions of a long code — which aids manual entry.

For WCodes to be efficient: it is recommended that a set of 2n popular, unique and phonetically distinct nouns be used for the words of a WCode.
See: WordList & Guidelines for details. In the present implementation: 1K (i.e. 1024) words are used; as such,
technically, it is a form of Base-1024 (or simply: Base-K) encoding.