Input box: | Depending on Mode, space for the data on which the software operates.
Mode: | Based on the complete mode determined by Type group & Data type:Encode | The input data is converted into a WCode | Decode | The previously encoded data is regenerated from the input |
Type group: | Raw | Raw digital data | Text | | Number | | Object | A defined collection of individual data blocks |
Data type: | RawBinary | e.g. 101000113001 | Octal | e.g. 7034221 | Decimal | e.g. 9801234567 | Hex | e.g. 0F10BAD | Base32 | e.g. AB123Z | Base64 | e.g. QxhVvXqBiDc | File | e.g. a Software license file C:\Lic.bin | TextASCII | 07 bit char-set | ANSI | 08 bit char-set | Unicode | 16 bit char-set | NumberWhole | e.g. 123 | Float | e.g. 0.5 | ObjectLat-Long | e.g. 27°59'17"N 86°55'31"E | |
Checksum: | Ensure data integrity |
Save Mode: | Save current Mode, Type group, Data type & Checksum state across application sessions |
Splash screen: | Show splash screen |
Execute: | Perform the conversion |
Output box: / Suggestion list | Space for the converted output In Decode mode - Shows the suggestion list of the likely word being typed. Press {Tab} to select the first suggestion. Press {1} through {0} to select from first to tenth suggestion.
| |
When inputting a WCode: \ and / are not to be included and each word should be separated by a single space.
When inputting an object: enter each part into a new line.